Project Detail

Karakurt-Horasan Road

The Karakurt-Horasan Road is a project that was constructed to provide transportation in the region. It serves as a replacement for the existing 2x1 lane Horasan-Karakurt-Kağızman Road, which previously passed through the Karakurt Dam reservoir within Kars' Sarıkamış district.

The primary purpose of this road's construction was to establish a northern route for transportation due to the Karakurt Dam being located in the lake area of the existing road. It is especially significant for its location along the border crossings, serving heavy-duty vehicle traffic and facilitating trade with neighboring countries.
The Karakurt-Horasan Road ensures uninterrupted transportation with a divided road standard in a region where a significant portion of trade with neighboring countries is carried out. The project brings about substantial economic, social, and cultural benefits, offering road users a safer and more comfortable transportation experience.

With the inauguration of the Karakurt-Horasan Road, travel time has been reduced from 46 minutes to 25 minutes, providing a quicker and more efficient route for travelers.
